
Bring your data to live!

GreyCat is a programmable temporal graph database, made for efficient and flexible data processing at scale

Database system

Efficient storing and retrieval of relational, temporal and geographic data as a graph.

Object-Oriented Programming

Break free from the query chains and enjoy the flexibility of object-oriented data processing.

Data Analytics Stack​

Integrated tools and libraries to identify and visualize crucial insights of your data

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Documentation Install

Our community version is completely free and should suffice to start building your project without any resource limitation

A Programable Database

All the benefits of a graph database without needing to learn a new fringe syntax.

No Query

No need for complex queries, traverse a graph as you would a simple object with dot notation.

No Mapping

A single Data Model from Disk to Api.

Any Scale

Datasets do not impose the infrastructure anymore, Hardware defines the speed.

No Tabular

No complex join or filters, leverage Object-Oriented traversal of the graph.

What If, Many Worlds

Simulate and store branches of your current state in a simple manner.

Stateful programming

Reduce the cost and time of processing by keeping the state and resume from where you left on the next iteration.

Script or serve

Use GreyCat as a stateful scripting solution or serve webapps (backend & frontend) from one executable.

How Does It Work ?

From input to insight in 3 simple steps

Example Data Source

This dataset represents sensor readings taken at various global locations, with each row capturing the following information:

  • Latitude and Longitude: Coordinates of the sensor location
  • Sensor ID: Unique identifier for each sensor
  • Timestamp: Unix timestamp representing the date and time of the reading
  • Humidity: Humidity levels in percentage
  • Temperature: Temperature values in degrees Celsius
type Sensor {
  id: String;
  values: nodeTime<Measurement>;
type Measurement {
  temperature: float;
  humidity: float;
// global variable, serve as graph entry-point
var sensor_index: nodeGeo<Sensor>;

Step 1: Data Modeling

  • Sensor: This object holds the id of each sensor and a list of Measurement values associated with it.
  • Measurement: Contains two attributes, temperature and humidity, represented as floating-point values.
  • A global variable, sensor_index, is used as the entry point of the data graph. It organizes sensors by geographical location.

This structured data model enables efficient organization and retrieval of sensor data for further analysis and operations.

Step 2: Import

  • The import() function reads the CSV file located at "data.csv" using a CsvReader object.
  • In the CsvFormat object we only need to specify which column represents time, to automatically read the values as our internal native time type.
  • For each line of data, the code extracts geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) and looks up the corresponding sensor in the sensor_index.
  • If the sensor doesn't exist, it creates a new Sensor object and associates it with the given location.
  • A new Measurement object is created from the CSV values for humidity and temperature, and it's stored in the sensor's values at the correct timestamp.
fn import() {
  var format = CsvFormat { columns: [CsvColumnTime { offset: 3 }] };
  var cr = CsvReader::new("data.csv", format);

  while (cr.available() > 0) {
    var line = cr.read();

    var geoIndex = geo::new(line[0], line[1]);
    var sensor = sensor_index.resolve(geoIndex);
    if (sensor == null) {
      sensor = Sensor {
        id: line[2],
        values: nodeTime<Measurement>::new()
      sensor_index.set(geoIndex, sensor);

    var measurement = Measurement {
      humidity: line[4],
      temperature: line[5]

    sensor.values.setAt(line[3] as time, measurement);
fn temperature_std(center: geo, radius: float, t: time): float {
  var gaussian = Gaussian {};

  var circle = GeoCircle::new(center, radius);
  for (sensor_location, sensor in sensor_index) {
    if (circle.contains(sensor_location)) {
  return gaussian.std();

Step 3: Spatial + Temporal Analysis

The temperature_std() function calculates the standard deviation of temperature readings within a specified geographic area and time:

  • The @expose keyword exposes the function as callable API over HTTP protocols
  • The function takes three parameters: a center location, a radius, and a time t.
  • A GeoCircle object is created to represent the defined geographic area.
  • For each sensor in the sensor_index, if its location falls within the circle, the temperature at the given time is added to a Gaussian object; representing the distribution.
  • Finally, the standard deviation of the temperatures within the circle at the given time, is returned.

The history of GreyCat

From a theoretical idea into a fully fledged programming language managing & simulating an entire Countries energy grid

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